What is Proprioception?

the quest: improvisation for transformation Jul 19, 2022
Black and while photograph of the tops of pointed shoes, on conrete. Surrouned by circle in chalk writing that says "you are here"


The Quest for Sense

Part of the magic of The Quest is becoming more familiar with our lesser known sensations. This short video from the Khan Academy gives a short but detailed on proprioception aka our bodies ability to know where we are in space.




Take a moment to sit down. Place a pencil or pen within arms reach. Now close your eyes. Imagine yourself in the space you are in, how far away is the door? The windows? What furniture or objects are within arms reach? How far away is the pencil or pen. Keep you eyes closed and attempt to reach out and grasp it? How close did you come? How was that experience?

Image Credit: Fallon Michael on Unsplash



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